SharePoint Migration & Enhancements Updates

Over the last few months the team has been working hard on planning for migration which has consisted of a great deal of house keeping on the current portal and testing migrating content to find potential issues, and ways that they can be resolved to make the transition as seamless as possible for end users. We estimate that migration will begin very soon, and will be performed area by area over a period of time. We have also developed a small form that will help identify potential issues for migration, which will enable us to rectify as many of these as we can, so that after migration content will appear the same or as close to the current portal page. The form we will be using is shown below, and was developed through the issues found through the teams testing of migration.


Pre-migration Form.


The work on system enhancements is progressing well, with lots of work scheduled to make improvements to current portal systems which will automate tasks where possible to make savings in time and money. We are currently working with various people across the University looking to improve the withdrawals, transfers and interrupts processes, organisational staff bookings process, some timetabling processes, creating a new online version of risk registers and we will also soon be starting work with procurement to automate some of their processes.

Please look out for further posts on these.

Please note functionality, forms, visuals and times may be subject to change.

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