Known IE8 SharePoint Ribbon Issue

There is a known Microsoft issue with Internet Explorer 8. You may experience a problem with the SharePoint Ribbon, whereby tabs will not be shown correctly, the user menu is not displayed, the ‘Back to Portal’ and ‘Feedback’ buttons are also not visible.

Internet Explorer 8 can default to 125% zoom, and this is what causes the issue. Since this is a Microsoft issue, we cannot fix this problem, however there is a solution.


IE8 Issue


To solve the problem you can zoom out using the ‘View’ and ‘Zoom’ menu, or use the keyboard shortcut of ‘Ctrl+0’. This will not always permanently solve the problem and may be required when you access the site.

However once the University upgrade the corporate desktop to Windows 7, Internet Explorer will be version 9, which should not have the problem.

Secretariat Migration

Following the completion of testing, server and tool configurations, the first migration has taken place to the live SharePoint 2010 server.

The Secretariat section of the portal has successfully been migrated over to SharePoint 2010. When users access this section on the current portal, they will be redirected to the new site, which is how the migration will be managed. During the migration will be displaying a button to easily get back to the current portal and a button to provide feedback. These will be displayed in the header of the site next to the logged in users name.

Below you will see the Secretariat site on SharePoint 2010.

Screen Shot 2013-11-19 at 15.01.39


Migration of other areas will now continue over the coming months with catering and HR moving soon.

Please note functionality, forms, visuals and times may be subject to change.

Local Risk Registers – Update

The local risk register online system is almost complete following a final meeting with Planning and Business Intelligence. We will now work to develop the testing document to enable us to formally test the system with Planning.

Below is the latest version of the online form where register owners will update them and submit them. All stored centrally and easily accessible.

Screen Shot 2013-11-22 at 08.31.12

When registers are available to update, register owners will receive a notification by email, shown below, which will give full instructions on what is required and where all the relevant help can be found.

Screen Shot 2013-11-22 at 08.33.58e

Following successful testing, we hope to launch the online version later this year.

Please note functionality, forms, visuals and times may be subject to change.


Quick Project Updates

We have a few updates from the last week which are worth posting.


One update this week which is worth a particular mention. Yesterday we were finally able to install software on the SharePoint 2010 server that will enable our migration software access to the content databases. This will now enable us to migrate content from the preview portal to the live SharePoint 2010 server. Further updates will be posted soon regarding the migration.


Another important point from this week is that we have a meeting scheduled for next week with representatives from each college to review the Withdrawals process. We think this is very important as administrators within these areas have a big role in the process. We have re-developed a skeleton workflow for this process, but we have found we need more input from people in these areas. Further updates will be posted next week.


We have also met with the Collage of Science to begin work on automating the Single Mark Submission form. The aim here is to allow academics to complete the form online rather than sending an email to school administrators who then complete the form and forward to Registry. Linda and I have started plotting a BPMN process map for this, while Rob and I will soon start investigation methods to make completing this form as simple as possible. Further updates will be posted soon.


Please note functionality, forms, visuals and times may be subject to change.