Single Mark Submissions

The single mark submission process will soon become much simpler. The current paper based form will soon be moving online, as development approaches completion, supported by SharePoint 2010.

Academics will be able to directly send submissions to Student Administration whilst notifying their School Administrator at the same time.

Single Mark Submission Form V1.0.0.16

Included in the functionality is the ability to input a student’s id, which will query the QLS database to return all possible fields, to make input as quick as possible. This will also filter the list of School Administrators available to the selected students School. Selecting the Module will be just as easy. Modules will be displayed in selection boxes by both code and title for the academic year that was selected.

Enter the original merit mark, and the revised merit mark, and your submission is complete.

Single Mark Submission Form V1.0.0.16The system has a scheduled release date for September / October 2015.

Please note functionality, forms, visuals and times may be subject to change.

Business Continuity

Work has now begun on the conversion of business continuity planning, from a paper based form, to an online version using a combination of SharePoint Workflows and InfoPath forms. With both Local and High Level Risk Registers now in their final stages this has enabled us to progress with Planning’s current final online conversion.

The screenshot shows the initial development of the online form. It will have a familiar look, taking the design of the Local and High Level Risk Registers.

Business Continuity Form

As before, users will be able to print hard copies of their plans, so that in the event of SharePoint or the University network being unavailable, users will be able to access their plans. We are also in the early stages of considering electronic offsite storage, so that users will be able to access their files, from locations other than the University, in digital form even if the University network is unavailable.

Check back for more updates soon.

Please note functionality, forms, visuals and times may be subject to change.

High Level Risk Register – Update

The High Level Risk Register online system is now almost complete. The system will work inline with the Low Level Risk Register, and will have an identical look, and function in almost exactly the same way.

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When updates are required to the register, Planning and Business Intelligence will activate the workflow, which will send out notifications to all relevant departments. Tasks will be created for these departments to enable progress monitoring, since all work is carried on the same document. As with the Low Level Register, editing will be limited to one person at a time to prevent saving errors.

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The above image shows what the High Level Risk Register will look like. It carries the same format as the Low Level Risk Register. Should users need to send additional documentation to support their entries on the register, there are links on the form and in the notification emails to do this.

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From an admin point of view, progress can easily be monitored. From the workflow summary screen, users can see all the tasks that have been issued to departments and whether they have been completed or not. Should users not complete their tasks before the due date, reminder emails will be sent periodically to encourage them to complete the task.

Check back for more updates soon.

Please note functionality, forms, visuals and times may be subject to change.

Internet Explorer 11 Known Issue

Internet Explorer 11 has some known issues. One being compatibility with SharePoint 2010. If you are using IE 11, you should follow these instructions to enable compatibility with SharePoint 2010.

Go to the ‘Settings’ icon, and select ‘Compatibility View Settings’.


Then in the ‘Add this website’ field, type ‘’ (without the quote marks), and select ‘Add’.


Then select ‘Close’. From now on IE 11 will be compatible with SharePoint 2010.

If you reset your browser, you may need to follow these instructions again.


Staff Development Programmes

Next week the Staff Development Programmes booking system will launch. The new system is self serve, users will be able to view and book onto courses, view all their current bookings, and cancel places as required.

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It is estimated the new system will be accessible here from Tuesday 17th December. To find out about booking a place on a course, click here, and to find out about requesting unscheduled courses, click here.


Now live.

Please note functionality, forms, visuals and times may be subject to change.