We have made further progress with the online local risk registers this week. Having developed the input form previously, our effort turned towards the workflow and automation. Some of the specific detail is to be discussed with Planning and Business Intelligence. However we have pushed to develop automation from the BPMN process map.
The workflow will be manually started when a departments register needs updating. Planning and Business Intelligence will activate this, and some information will be captured at this point. The current owner of the register will be a required field, which will be used to notify that person. Will will also have an optional field that will allow custom text that will be inserted into the notification email.
Once the user or users required to make edits have finished, they will be asked if they have finished completely to send the document back to Planning and Business Intelligence. If they select yes, PBI will be notified of the completion of the document.
We will be working with Planning and Business Intelligence in the next two weeks to finalise all the smaller details and implement any changes or additions. We will then enter the testing phase before roll out.
Further updates soon.
Please note functionality, forms, visuals and times may be subject to change.